Departmental Councils

The students of a department form the Fachschaft. And in each department there is a student council - it is the representation of all students of the respective department, i.e. the student council.

autonome tutorien

General Tasks

The Student Representative Council (FSR) is the representative of the students of the respective department and organizes e.g. the first semester introductions, parties, excursions or provides computer labs or learning centers.

The Student Representative Council must be consulted on all matters concerning the conditions of study in the Departmental Council. The FSR must be informed of the relevant documents at least 14 days before the respective departmental council meeting. Certainly, the FSR can refrain from making a statement, but: it can also bring initiatives concerning the study conditions to the departmental council. These initiatives are then to be put on the agenda of the next meeting of the departmental council, as long as they are received at least 14 days in advance. While this also means more work and familiarization with perhaps new subject areas (e.g. study and examination regulations), it also offers a great opportunity to get more underway within the department for the benefit of students. And don't almost all decisions in a department affect the conditions of study?

Student council elections are personal elections, which means that the proposals are directly elected by the students of the department.

The student body constitution states that the size of the FSR is based on the size of the department.

The Fachschaftsrat should meet weekly and hold at least one Fachschaftenvollversammlung per semester.

Settlement of FSR-Money in AStA & Application in StuPa


Up to 400 EUR, the FSR can dispose of the allocated funds relatively freely. For an accounting of the funds in the AStA some formal stuff is necessary.

  • Accounting voucher for settlements of the FS Council (pdf)
  • Accounting voucher for settlements of the FS-Council (pdf-form)

Required documents for the disbursement of the granted funds:

  • the voucher must be filled out in a comprehensible way, so that everyone who is not in the subject still understands after 5 years what was spent and why (vouchers must be kept for 10 years)
  • please do not forget the "little things" like FSR, date, name/ e-mail and FSR-member or FSR-financial officer*, but also the following 3 lines
  • the purpose of use has to be described in detail and documented with original receipts. pdf-invoices sent by mail can be forwarded and do not have to be printed.
  • For events, a short summary of the event must always be sent or handed in. This should include: what | when | where | how many | was good or rather not so (if applicable, why rather not so) | recommendations for further events If available, please also always send an event announcement (e-mail to the students or poster/flyer or social media post)
  • for catering events or FSR meetings, there is always a need for a participation list
  • before submitting, the deposit must always be taken out. Since there are sometimes invoices about beverage suppliers, where the deposit can not simply not be transferred with, it needs either a settlement with subsequent invoices with the suppliers or sometimes a cash deposit or transfer of submitted deposit.

Information for a financial proposal in the student parliament

For all purchases and projects over 400 EUR a resolution in the student parliament is required.

  • Form for an application in the StuPa (pdf-form)

Required documents for the application to the StuPa presidium:

  • completed financial application form (can also be emailed as a scan, but must be completely filled out and signed)
  • Calculation of expected expenses and income for events
  • if necessary, information about lecturers, co-organizers, cooperation partners, etc.
  • 3 comparative offers, if purchases of more than 100 EUR are requested.

The deadline for submitting an application is always one week and one day before the StuPa meeting.