
Since the winter of 2019, the AStA (General Students' Committee) at the Hochschule Darmstadt has had a commercial unit called "AG Media" with the goal of developing a student newspaper blog.


In the AStA of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, we are committed to giving students a voice. With the university newspaper Ach_dasta! we want to give YOU the opportunity to contribute your topics.

All students of the h_da can send in their contributions, each semester on a new topic. So submit your articles, photos, artwork, comics, audio and video contributions. All info:

We realize that it is quite a bit of work to prepare a well-researched submission. Since we are also compensated for our work, it is only fair that our authors, photographers, videographers and other contributors are also compensated for their efforts. That's why every submission is checked for quality by our editorial team and suitable contributions are rewarded with 50 - 100 euros, depending on the amount of work involved!

Any questions?

  • Send them to us via Instagram @achdasta or by mail to
  • Ask us in the open editorial meeting (meeting dates via Instagram)

So read, design, share, write the student newspaper of the h_da with us!


  • management: Lucia Junker
  • via e-mail at or by appointment
  • Editorial meeting: currently on request