AStA der Hochschule Darmstadt > AStA & University Politics > Alliances, collaborations & memberships

Alliances, collaborations & memberships

The AStA of h_da is active as a representative of the student body in various alliances and is a (supporting) member of organizations and clubs. In addition, depending on the occasion and topic, he cooperates with, among others, the Darmstadt Adult Education Center, but also with trade unions such as the DGB, IG Metall, GEW or ver.di.



Here is a - certainly not exhaustive - list of AStA's alliance partners:

  • LAK Hessen - State ASten Conference Hesse
  • Darmstadt Housing Alliance
  • Alliance against the right in Darmstadt
  • Alliance Stops TTIP & Co. Darmstadt.Dieburg
  • TV Stud

Some departments are still active in their own department-specific alliances or collaborations.